What to Expect When You're A First Year School SLP


Let me be the first to tell you- your first year as an SLP will probably not be your easiest year. When I first wrote this post, I couldn't promise you this because I hadn't even started my second year as a school SLP. However, having been in the field for many years now, I am certainly breathing a sigh of relief that the additional work that comes along with the first year is now officially behind me.

So, with that being said, here is an outline of what to expect during your first year as an SLP.


This will likely be your biggest concern during your first year. You're required to have multiple hours of mentoring by an ASHA-certified SLP and you are rated based on your performance. This is a type of evaluation system to ensure workplace competency. To be honest, it almost feels like a graduate school clinical observation except you’ll feel more confident in your abilities by this point. Once your CFY is completed, you will get your CCCs and become an ASHA-certified SLP! You can go here to find ASHA’s Guide to the Clinical Fellowship Experience.


As if your CFY mentoring isn't enough, your state may also require you to complete a Teacher Internship year. When I graduated, I had to complete this on top of my CFY. Teacher certification has since been removed from the requirements of being a school SLP. 

At the time of this original post, in Kentucky, you were required to create and reflect upon the lesson plans for each observation, as well as create a leadership project, a collaboration project, a professional growth tracker, a work plan, and an instructional unit. Oh, don't forget the 60+ direct consultation hours you are required to have (and log) with your mentoring teacher. Don't be fooled by the 50-page template they show youβ€” Mine is closer to 200 pages!

The hardest part was finding the time to complete all the paperwork involved with this program. The 2nd hardest part was modifying it to fit the role of the SLP. If you're looking for a way to hold all of your paperwork, I recommend getting a 3-inch binder. You’re going to need it.


Between your CFY paperwork, possible teacher internship paperwork, and your district's staff evaluation procedures, you'll never be alone. Keep an open-door policy and do the best you can. No one expects you to be perfect every time you are observed. If you were... what would be the point of all these observations?! Take them for what they are, which is a chance to improve on what you're already doing. Advocate your profession to your principal (because they usually do not understand our jobs). A sample of a district SLP evaluation tool can be found here.

"Why, hello! Are you here to observe me again? Come on in..." (Photo from  Matt & Molly


My room, albeit small, was the room I hoped to stay in (5-year update: I have since moved rooms twice). However, there was NO shelving in my room. Often, teachers will put items they no longer want in the hallways/teacher’s lounge, so always check there first for things you may need! It’s also a good idea to send out an email to staff asking if anyone has β€œXYZ” they’re willing to part with.

You’ll also (hopefully) get a small amount of money from the district, if you’re a district employee, that can be used to assist in furnishing your classroom. In my first year, I bought things like Sterilite drawer organizers and a 10-drawer rolling cart to keep by my table, as well as a rug to cover up a portion of the old carpet where I’d sit with my preschoolers. I bought some decorations from a teacher supply store, such as paper lanterns, a few workbooks, and a shower curtain to place over my solid glass classroom door to reduce distraction from passersby. The rest I spent on Amazon, TPT, Super Duper, Zulily, and thrift stores to get materials that I noticed would be useful for my caseload needs.

Me, last day of school. 


Scary, right?! No, this is the easy part!! This is what you went to school for and this is your passion. This is the part that will carry over in years to come while the CFY and teacher internship business will disappear after the first year. You will create a schedule, divide your caseload into groups, provide therapy services, attend IEP meetings, bill for services, collaborate with teachers and parents, complete legal paperwork related to special education services, evaluate and re-evaluate, and you will be LOVED. Trust me. It may not always feel like it, but the children will absolutely love you.

Overall, let me say this. Your first year will be stressful because no one prepared you to be hit with all of this information and all of these programs at once. I made it through my first year will all of this, plus getting married and moving 4 times. If I survived, so can you. Take comfort in knowing that it will only get easier after your first year!

PS- If you're looking for some useful courses to take as you embark on the school SLP journey, here are my top recommendations to get you ready for your first year!

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