Review: Swivel Scheduler for SLPs

Who has ever felt personally victimized by the number of goals targeted throughout their caseload? Who here has ever worried that they may be forgetting to track a student's goal because they’re dealing with so many individualized plans?

I've been there. I've wondered, when is the last time I targeted THAT goal with THAT student?! Have I worked on THAT goal in the last 2 weeks? Last 3 weeks? Last month?

Did you know there is a tool to help you rotate through your students' goals so that you NEVER forget to work on every goal at whatever frequency you choose?

Meet Swivel Scheduler.


Swivel is an IEP goal scheduling service to ensure that you're targeting and keeping current data on each and every goal for your students.

Let's do some quick math.

  • Group of 4 students.

  • Each with 3 goals.

That's 12 goals that you need to be targeting and keeping data on... for just one group!

Swivel helps you rotate through your goals so none get left behind. But it doesn't only help you plan your sessions.

In fact, Swivel also helps you:

  • Create a therapy schedule.

  • Collect data, digitally, or on paper. Whichever you prefer! 

  • Record numerical and anecdotal data.

  • Graph and print data charts (including averages of the last 3 sessions!)

So, it's not fair to call Swivel just a scheduling service when it offers so much more.


  1. Input your students.

  2. Input their goals.

  3. Input their therapy days/times.

  4. Input how many consecutive sessions you want to work on a goal.

    ...And that's it!

Once your schedule is set up, Swivel does the rest for you. It rotates through each of your student's goals so that you never miss targeting or collecting data on a goal ever again. It's that simple!

Swivel allows you to collect and print data with just a few clicks of a button. You can even generate professional-looking graphs to bring to IEP meetings or send home with progress reports.


Swivel has a FREE TRIAL! Yes, you heard right. What better way to see if Swivel is for you than to try it for yourself? Click here to sign up for your free trial.

Still not sure if Swivel is for you? Check out their YouTube channel which shows you EXACTLY what you get with Swivel Scheduler. Their tutorials make it easy to navigate all the exciting features you get with Swivel!

Note: Please know that I received this product for free in exchange for an honest review. Keep in mind that even though I received this product at no cost, the opinions are all my own.  Whether or not you purchase this product, I do not receive a commission. The decision to buy something is completely up to you.


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