Outdoor Activities for Speech Therapy

When it comes to taking speech therapy sessions outdoors, there are plenty of fun and engaging activities that can target a variety of speech and language goals. Here are some examples:

Nature Scavenger Hunt

Create a scavenger hunt checklist with items found in nature, such as leaves, rocks, flowers, or birds, or use pre-made ones like these for spring/summerfall, and winter. Encourage your clients to find and name each item, describe their characteristics, or create sentences using the words they find.

Outdoor Articulation Practice

Choose a specific speech sound and create flashcards with words containing that sound. Have your clients practice their articulation while exploring the outdoor environment. For example, if working on the /s/ sound, they can say "sun," "sky," or "stick" as they encounter those objects.

Following Directions

Use the outdoor environment to practice following directions. Give your clients instructions to find certain objects or perform actions like "Find a yellow flower," "Jump three times," or "Walk around the tree." This activity targets receptive language skills and auditory comprehension.

Outdoor Storytelling

Encourage your clients to use their imagination and create stories inspired by the outdoor environment. They can describe what they see, incorporate outdoor elements into their narratives, and practice storytelling skills, including sequencing, plot development, and character descriptions.

Nature Walk and Vocabulary

Take a nature walk and discuss different aspects of the environment. Point out trees, plants, animals, and natural features. Introduce new vocabulary words related to nature and encourage your clients to use the words in sentences or describe their observations.

Barrier Games

Set up a barrier using a large towel or blanket. Sit on opposite sides and give each other instructions to complete a task, such as building a structure with sticks or arranging objects in a specific order. This activity promotes expressive language, listening skills, and collaboration.

Outdoor Conversation Circle

Gather in a circle and engage in conversations about various topics related to the outdoor environment. Discuss favorite outdoor activities, share experiences, and take turns asking questions. This activity encourages turn-taking, topic maintenance, and social language skills.

Outdoor Role-Play

Create outdoor-themed scenarios for role-playing. For example, pretend to go camping, have a picnic, or explore a jungle. Encourage your clients to engage in imaginative play, use appropriate language, and take on different roles.

Outdoor Language Game

Adapt classic language games to the outdoor setting. Play "I Spy" using outdoor objects, have a "Categories" game using items found in nature, or play "20 Questions" with outdoor-themed objects.

Note: Remember to tailor these activities to meet the individual needs and goals of your clients. Adjust the complexity, language level, or speech targets as necessary. Taking speech therapy sessions outdoors adds a dynamic and interactive element to therapy, making learning both effective and enjoyable.


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